Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What I found Cool Feb. 2 - Feb. 19

Best Flickr album of the Post - Super Heroes and their alternative identities

Best Video of the Post - ALGORITHM MARCH!!!!

Father gets son to go to sleep by wearing a wig.
Possibly my favorite Superbowl Ad ever.
Best Superbowl Ad of 2008.
Second best Superbowl Ad from 2008.
How to grow a mustache.
Thriller dance on subway.
3D graffiti.
Frozen Grand Central Station.
Young Rodney Mullen doing flawless tricks at the drop of a hat.
Animated business card.
Dog doesn't realize that there is no glass in the door.
Victoria Falls Devil's Pool.
Big 6 gill shark.
Hang Drum.
'Smoke on the Water' in Japan.
Incredible Lens.
More versions of the algorithm march!
Slide stunts.
How to fold a shirt in Japan.
Janpanese people getting scared on TV.
Telsa Guitar Amp.
Cute hedgehog eating a carrot.
Pink Power Ranger dancing.
People actually playing quidditch.
Call center salesman going crazy.
How people from different regions count cash.

Life through the eyes of a solider.
A wicked awesome beat touch pad. I WANT.
Process to get faster speeds out of current flash memory.
Swarming algorithm used to improve photo quality in post processing.
12 or 13 people?
Birdcage built from one 2x4.
Russian Fashion 1989.
Incarceration rates of countries. Russia is close. Well, kind of close.
Internet cables that run under sea.
Bacon Vodka?
Web2.0 company offices.
What happens when you blog. Server pings and such.
Mazda Furai.
360 image of A380 Airbus cockpit.
Swiss attempt to stop spread of HIV.
Skeletons of cartoon characters.
Photograph quality ball point pen drawings.
Supposed 'itch-free' PJs.
More about the perpetual motion machine.
Cool old valentine's day cards.
Police sketch of a robber with a helmet on.
Photoshop lighting trick used well.
Explanation of Photoshop work that is done in previous pictures.
More stolen images from Flickr.
Another 'How-to' website.
Ford Focus parts turned into an orchestra.
Great cooking blog.
Check for duplicate web pages.
Another public run news site.
A pill for autism?
Speed & Angels is a documentary about fighter pilots.
Create a ghost in a photo. The manual way.
What do you blame?
Evolutionary change compared with fossil layers.
Really funny picture taken by a hacker.
Recession around the nation.
Reflection of lightening.
Big lobster.
Giraffe and squirrel.
Vanity Fair photo shoots over the years.
Turning female bone marrow into sperm?
Water on a bug.
If internet ads said what they mean.
Well done flash website.
Stupid plot tricks.
Lego Nintendo games.
All of a room's furnishings in one box.
Fun ideas for kids to make animal's "super powers".
WWII posters.
Cool angled photo.
Pulp Fiction + Lego + Street Art.
Interesting new trend. Warning: strong language and new animation image at bottom with nudity.
$200 PC from scratch.
"Magic Tap".
Nintendo collage.
World's smallest body builder.
Pictures and Publishers are brought together.
How Americans spend their money.
Tattoos as a delivery form for medicine.
Oasis in a desert with a resort.
High quality limo. Well not really.
Venn and Euler.
Images of 200 calories of different foods.
High-res image of Paris at night.
Spoon made for food fights.
Lickable ads.
OLED blinds.
Interesting design studio.
Carbon capture system for hydrogen cars.
Friendly computer 'virus'.
Parrot Flower.
10 hybrid animals.
Ridable triceratops.
USB sheep light.
10 good and free audio applications to have installed.

Sola Rola. Thanks Kara!
Very hard puzzle game.
Cannon game.

Friday, February 1, 2008

What I Found Cool Jan.16 - Feb. 1

Best Flickr album of the Post

Best Video of the Post - Microsoft 'Surface' Performed on a normal TV

The most uncomfortable workout ever. Almost the video of the day but I'm a nerd.
Sounds of Jupiter.
Oscillating chemical colors.
Last week was the 'ball bearing sequencer'; this week it is bubble gum ball sequencer.
Engines are incredible. Make sure to listen to the whole video.
Robots dinosaurs in sync.
Watch all of Johhny Lee's Videos.
Apprently a new drug that I have never heard of.
Parrell parking.
Subwoofer effect on liquid.
Cop High on 911 call.
Rednecks + beer = dangerous jumps.
Giant robot elephant.
Candy painting.
Perfect parody video of the internet.


Really cool way to display 80 million images.

Stick Figures in Peril Flickr Pool.

Picture of a corner but make sure to check the comments.

Great photo series.

Leaf photo that looks almost too soft.

Pacman cupcakes.

Light writing/graffiti is not new but writing something bot getting any ghost is hard.

Mystical landscape image that is a part of three great sets.


I really like this photo idea.

'Telepathic' is too strong a word but we are learning that the smallest pieces of life are quite good at adaptation and recognizing others.

World's weirdest creatures.

Find a dry side bench.

The new Slap Bracelet.

Fuel from CO2?

Insane story and video! Tiger attack.

A calender in time line form.

Travel forever and live rent free.

iPhone app key leaked.

Hamburger in a can...

Top 10 quotations from Stephen Hawking.

Building with much patio space.

I like toast.

Custom Super Mario levels.

Data visualization in many forms.

Speakers putting out a candle.

Find the price that other people bought things.

Do not put EcoDiscs into your Mac.

Tilt & Shift lens from Nikon.

Geek shirts for couple.

Crazy looking car. Almost like Batman.

Rail guns are here. Well at least in the navy.

TV Etch-a-Sketch.

One Quintillion Pennies.

Inside out stuffed animals.

New Solar Power.

Traffic Jam.

Funny and fun web application Hair Mixer.

Bubble Gum Blondes. Art with chewed bubblegum.

Post it note prank.

Contact lens with circuits.

Insane rubber band gun.

Interesting website with graphics about seemingly random things.

Unique or ugly?

Spy Fly.

Reverse memory loss. Maybe.


Contents of the Bible displayed visually.

General locations of US church bodies.

I want these pillows.

Hilarious guide to babysitting [images].

Interesting occurrence where girl has taken on a donor's immune system.

Geek girlfriend dress. Charge my laptop!

Cool ads. Oxymoron, I know.

Rocking bed.

find the truth on that urban legend.

Some Higgs may be already measured just not found.

This is how flash should always be used.

Speaking of great flash applications... learn about your brain.

LOI (Laughing on the inside movement).

More evidence that nanotubes are awesome.

Darkest material ever created.

Hybrids. Not the cars, the species.

Lifespan extension by 800 years? Lobsters can do it.

Odd uses for ordinary objects.

This girl won creative contests this year but throwing herself at guys. Literally.

Lego Brick 50 year History.

Fiber Optic Lamp.

I like the idea of giving someone a gift that gives them a choice. Would you read the story or keep the bottle?

"Secret Museum".

Photo group for HDR photos only.

One company's warning labels.

Objects in asphalt.

DIY photography setups.

Miniskirts of 60s and 70s.

Fuel cell phone.

Paint Wars.
Planet Cruncher.
XNumber Puzzle.
3D logic.