Monday, November 12, 2007

What I Found Cool: Nov. 3 - Nov. 11

Graphs about just about anything make me laugh. One about web pages.

Many times people estimate when a new technology will take over another, it seems to be wrong. But I'd like for this and this to happen soon.

NSF is slow to move but still has some interesting things come through its doors.

Lotto pattern analysis. Nerds are funny and see patterns nearly everywhere. But technically nothing man-made is truly random.

Lasers will eventually be able to do pretty much anything.

Why would anyone want a screen with a resolution of 3840x2400 besides bragging rights?

Photo technology is improving every day.

I thought that this lamp and this light was a fun idea.

People find community in so many ways. One of them involves dressing up in a large fuzzy animal costume and a documentary is being made about it.

A computer made from scratch, including the processor, is incredible.

Cars driven by computers is defiantly the future. I just hope some places stay open to enjoy this thrill of driving.

Almost anything homemade is good but try this bread.

Some things just don't translate.

I couldn't find the original source but perspective art is neat.

Some of the best things and pictures in life are screw-ups that are observed.

In Spanish and also has some borderline stuff on it but ugly Mickey makes me laugh.

64GB Solid State Drive.

Smart protection for your bicycle.

Jet powered firetruck?

Speaking of fast things...

Nine creative staircases.

These aren't my top ten most addictive flash games but mine contains a few of these.

I want this for Christmas.

LOLs have sometimes gone too far with the LOLCat Bible and compiler but you have to enjoy the split offs of LOLGrims and LOLBots.

This website has great color palettes but also neat information.

Cool rocks.

I fell out of my chair because this poster made me laugh so hard. Making fun of people is not good but really funny sometimes. Especially extremist people.

Last week I made fun of the Japanese police vehicles with blue bunnies on top and this week I proudly show you the most incredible police cars.

Lasers again. This time they are taking over the internet.

THE best keyboard mod I have seen.

Just a sweet lawnmower.

I posted something like this before but I found one that was done better.

Yet another singing Tesla Coil but this is a duet.

Take advantage of other people's stupidity by buy things that are confiscated by the TSA.

What chef's do when they are bored.

I am not sure how the final bill of energy is impacted but a fully LED office building is just cool to see completed.

I know I am late but a hybrid train word help with pollution at major ports.

I agree, these images were all used as a background on my PC this past year.

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