Saturday, January 5, 2008

What I found Cool Dec. 27 2007 - Jan. 5 2008

Best Flickr album of the Post I know it isn't flickr, but it was much too good to not et the best of the week.

Best Video of the Post

Ghost in a jar.
Baby hiccups.
What song is this?
Long multi threading talk for the nerds.
Zero G balloon pop.
Incredible bird.
Drag racer losing in a funny way.
Wall of apertures.
Plankton shown 500X size in an aquarium.


Largest diamond in the galaxy. That has been found so far...

Guy puts nearly everything in friend's apartment in tin foil..

Life of an orange.

paintings of optical illusions.

Why you would want to setup you computer to crash on a key command is past me. The ability to do it though is priceless.

How the meter has changed.

Fun game like every other 'Worms' copy cat.

Pretty good internet image editor.

A chuck of paint layers stacked onto of each other.

Yet another optical illusion. Added because of the person that is pictured.

One of the first taste tests of gum I have seen recently.

Wired's top 10 scientific breakthroughs of 2007.

A few very weird Microsoft Windows easter eggs. Or bugs.

Exploding flowers prettier than static ones?

Funny sign and reason for the sign being there.

10 humanitarian needs that went or are still going with little press coverage.

Very funny picture. For me?

Evolution of Mario. And him with his power ups.

A blonde. Poor girl.

Pictures of the moon from earth.

Very detailed list of energy consumption.

Dark energy is again on the chopping block.

Metal, form, magnetic, memory.

Waterproof anything. Even your cell phone.

Cool. If they really happened that is.

Olso on New Years.

Cost of long life.

Vote of Times' 50 best websites of 2007.

Dogs look like their owners. Or owners look like their dogs?

I guess there are too many bunnies and they are trying to kill themselves off in crazy and imaginative ways.

Where the carbon goes.

Japanese are serious about solar.

25 skills to know.

A funny question to ask a friend to finish.

Smart and fun game for a quick play.

100 things the BBC didn't know last year.

Interesting idea. Anyone else see faces in print 68? Maybe I'm just crazy.

Good list of some links from 2007.

Hope you all had a 2007 full of fun and growth. Keep reading, I'm positive there will be a few things to link in 2008.

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